Friday, August 10, 2012


Welcome to a brand new world!!!

This is a special occasion. Our first blog post for the academic session 2012-13, and today we are celebrating Janmashtami, the birthday of the beloved Hindu God, Sri Krishna. Definitely an auspicious day!

This new beginning opens before us a whole new gateway to ambit-less opportunities, a world of new hopes and aspirations. At this point, we are compelled to look back at the well-lived yesterday and manage our today for a bright and beautiful tomorrow. Our actions and decisions of today shall decide the course our lives take tomorrow. 

"One can become whatever one wants to be, if one constantly contemplates on the object of desire with faith." So, said Sri Krishna, the wisest of all. As we strive to achieve the new heights for our aims - as individuals, as students and as members of humanity, we mustn't let doubts cloud our vision, nor must we allow ourselves to forget our learnings from the glorious past. 

On this momentous occasion, when we are at the threshold of re-defining ourselves, our actions, our academic pasts and our achievements as TEAM - Management Interaction Cell (MIC), we thank all those who have ever had a role in making us what we are and what MIC as a society is and has been.

At the close, instead of the customary good-byes, it is indeed time once again for a 'welcome', for it is just the beginning!!