Tuesday, December 24, 2013

SANTA CLAUS- The Super MANager

Vaishali Sethi

Ever wondered how our dear old Santa Claus manages to give gifts to so many children across the world, without any delay and without any mistake? … Yes he MANAGES it. What makes Santa one of the best known managers of the world?

Just sit back and recall the little rhymes and X’mas songs learnt at school, after all its Christmas time.

1. Rudolph the red nose reindeer …. Santa knows how to get work done through people. He, like a prudent employer, keenly observes all his employees and understands whom to contact and deploy and for what work. This is absolutely necessary in the corporate world where competitiveness is the buzzword and one has to have the right persons at the right work. Santa knew that Rudolph with his bright and shiny nose would be best fit for the foggy night, so he chose him.

2. Rudolph with your nose so bright, won’t you drive my sleigh tonight… Choosing Rudolph was a decision with not just one but many reasons! It is known that his red shiny nose had made him a kind of social outcast and it was Santa who brought him back to the mainstream. He knows how to keep his workforce happy and contented. A manager has to understand that he cannot achieve the business aims all alone; he has to assign work to his sub-ordinates. An ideal manager makes his people feel important and wanted. …You would go down in history… He knows that his success lies in success of his employees and he ensures that his team members are recognized and are successful.

3. Ever heard of Santa missing deadlines, reaching children even one day late? Ever heard of any child ever meeting Santa just because he was late and the child was already up by then? The obvious answer is NO. Punctuality is Santa’s priority and it is this punctuality that he is a favourite among kids. The Santa charm ceases to fade away. If all managers meet their target deadlines and complete their tasks with extreme precaution, well, a lot of management theories will find their place in the trash!

4. He’s making a list and checking it twice… If someone makes a to-do list, checks it twice and adds point 3 to it, well, I suppose, it just does all the work. There has to be extreme accuracy when we do our work. Planning is the first and the most important step in management. The manager must have his goal well within sight and he must have a strategy, he must know the appropriate tasks that he has to undertake to achieve the set goals. This management skill can also teach us a lot about compiling and reviewing data, removing redundancies and duplicities. ‘Checking it twice’ part can help eliminate most of the unwanted mistakes that might have crept in.

5. He wants to know who’s naughty or nice… Well, an able manager must know the good, the bad and the ugly truth of their customers and suppliers. So does Santa. He has to treat the naughty and the nice ones differently. Serving both on the same platter may end up being unfair to the nice ones. Basic management seeks to differentiate between the good and the bad. Good or the Theory Y subordinate/ workers/ employees must be given better treatment because they deserve it and keeping them in good humour will only benefit the organization in the long run. Non-performers or reluctant workers or simply put, the Theory X employees must be dealt very differently.

6. You better watch out, you better not shout, you better not cry, I'm telling you why…

Santa Claus is coming to town!! .. Dependability. Extreme dependability. The simple surety that Santa will come, come on time and that once he comes, all would be good makes Santa the most dependable and by far the best loved person in the world. Imagine parents luring the kids to sleep and then understanding that there is no Santa around. Horrifying! Wouldn’t it be? Meeting deadlines keeps customers confident in our ability to service them, and keeps their customer experience a positive one. Santa might give big business houses with their flamboyant 6 Sigma or 9 Sigma approaches a run for their money.

7. The concept of Sante di Gaddi… Go to Punjab and you might find a SANTA SINGH with a turban instead of the conventional Santa cap. A Santa from Tamil Nadu may be seen wearing a dhoti in place of the red pant! Even in places like India with predominantly non-Christian population and extreme regional variations, Santa Clause has found his way into every child’s lexicon. The key word here is adaptability. Think global. Act local. Our good old Santa has the ability to adapt himself to all the cultures and specifications that are desired of him. Have you ever imagined Santa speak Spanish or Hebrew with a little child from rural interiors of India? Do you think he will speak Marathi with people of Argentina? What if businesses make such mistakes? Will they survive?

8 The big kind smile… Honestly, I do not know anyone who associates gloom with Santa. He is the cheerful old father figure, always there as a symbol of benevolence. His is a perfect tale of service with a smile. He has been up on his work since times immemorial and still handles it with perfect ease and dexterity. A happy boss will lead to a happy workforce, and thus a happy organization. The customers will be happy and so will the results, earnings and profits be.

9 He knows all the customers and their needs – Santa knows where the kids have hung their socks. He knows what they want. Have you ever seen Santa gift a pink pair of bellies to a teenage boy? Ever seen Santa give Khushwant Singh books to a new born baby? Well that’s why we all love Santa. He is not like the organizations which produce products and then force the customers to adapt to the new products. Anticipating and fulfilling customers need is very imp for success of a business enterprise, especially in today’s scenario when the consumers prefer individuality. It is an era of customization. A happy customer is the biggest asset that any organization can ever have.

10 No complaints… only good work.. Santa never complains, falters in duty or gets tired of it. The good work speaks for itself. The work is worship. And thus Santa is revered. Best of managers not only supervise, they are hardworking people themselves. Work when done with a positive attitude ceases to be mere work, but becomes a source of joy, happiness and fulfillment.

With these little tips laced with delight and seasoned with warmth, I wish you all a very Merry Christmas.

May the lord bless us all with management skills like our very own Santa Claus…!!

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